Monthly Archives: November 2017

Out of the Cold and into the Warm Fuzzies…..

Where has the time gone?  One day leads to another…. and it goes on and on and on…  Last year around this time I was visiting Denver for the holidays and today I LIVE in Denver!  I set my mind to obtaining several goals and they have all come to fruition – and out of left field I’ve met someone.

Yes, someone.  What does it mean?  Time will tell…  Is it good right now, of course!  Will it be good next month?  Who knows?!? …and honestly, I have some pretty amazing feelings, but I am realist, you can’t make things happen, you can only just be you.  I’ve come to realize that I don’t immaturely need anyone, I am pretty damn self sufficient, I am happy with me and I take care of business…

I’ve also realized I am in a good place to be in a healthy relationship and the thought of sharing my life with that special someone sounds appealing – not out of immature need, but out of having a solid foundation and good understanding of what “love” really means.

I’ve learned that immature loves says:  “I love you because I need you.”  Mature love says: “I need you because I love you” – pretty powerful…  I know…. I know….


Why is it when you are ready to explore a new potential long-term relationship – someone from your past calls to say that “all roads lead back to you – I’m ready to stop running” ?!? Completely, unfair ?!?  Not to mention a real mind bender… a wave of emotion, but with a strong understanding of who I am today I gave Wyatt Earp the same compassion and empathy he gave me during the most difficult time in my life.  It was the least I could do, I knew he was hurting and I knew he had to get out emotion that he had been holding in for a very long time.  I also realized, I could not save him – just like he knew he could not save me.  We parted in staying friends and keeping in touch, but we also realized there would never be an “us.”

I was looking through the stats on my blogs and they continue to get quite a few hits everyday… So back to writing my blog…  back to doing the things I enjoy…

Oh and that special someone….  warm and fuzzies…. hmmm